Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Person They Didn't See

Have you ever wanted to be a fly on the wall to hear what people said, and know them for who they really are? This was me. For twenty years I worked as a waiter and a bartender in the fine dining restaurant industry. In the cities of Washington, DC, northern Virginia and in Miami, Florida. I have seen and heard things that most people only read about or the news story watched on television. Most bartenders are your local neighborhood psychologist, and after a few drinks, people often tell you their most intimate details. Some of what they say is quite juicy, while the other conversations reveal what a person really thinks about themself, their circumstance and everyone else around. Alcohol is the great equalizer! The stories I could tell…

Most Americans believe in their party of choice, but they are too stupid to realize politics is no different than WWE. They play the Republican and Democrat cards as if the two parties have different points of view, when in reality, bipartisan politics have raped the American people of their moral conscience and self-respect. I have served drinks to heavy-hitters from both sides of the political circus and after inebriation sets in, public enemies become intimate friends. The power lunches are about tactics to impose new policies and laws, who to lobby and pork spending, and the dinners are to celebrate the ignorance of their constituents. One more notch in the noose to strangle the life out of our endangered constitution.

I am partial to no party, for they are all crooks, who lack the backbone to stand firm upon the truth and for the sanctity of what they swore to uphold. They despise the people whom they were elected to represent, for we are not of their lineage or worthy of the grooming one must endure to become the heartless monsters they are. Have you ever asked yourself why so few determine the course of life for so many? Where does the god complex come from? You and me!
Representatives of both parties enjoy a standard of living most people will never realize, and the authority to implement change when beneficial to the agenda being propagated. And no one dares to hold them accountable. This is the sum of their intent!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Change You Better Not believe In

In a time when moral relativity has shaped a culture void of conscience and intolerant of absolute truth, there is a need to remind people of the consequence they will face. Hope and change is the call to unite people and to bring to the forefront of American society, the acceptance of an individuals behavior regardless of how the behavior might be viewed by someone else. Political and cultural correctness is now the expected answer to any of today’s hot topics. Should a person dare be critical in their observation of another person’s lifestyle; the character Nazis will attempt nothing less than the humiliation of this person. Liberals, moderates and those who claim to be conservatives, the media and special interest organizations have joined hand in hand to deceive the already confused. The party lines are no more. With each new amendment and law they pass, “we the people” are one step closer to the slaughter of the American dream.
It is without any reservation that I say Barack Obama and his administration, Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House, and Harry Reed as the Senate Majority Leader, are leading the assault on American sovereignty. Surrounded by spineless men and women who make up the Senate and House of Representatives, who have compromised their oaths to uphold our freedoms, having been bought and paid for with their constituent’s tax dollars.
If the people would only wake up out of their stupor of self-indulgence, and read the documents making up The Charters of Freedom: The Declaration, The Constitution, and The Bill of Rights, it would infuriate even the dumbest of the dumbed-down.

The attention that should be focused on what these servants of the people are doing to eradicate the foundation of our Constitution has been diverted to a more personal level. With issues of health care and global warming, immigration, housing and economy, and sexual orientation taking the front stage of media, and hammered into the sub-conscience mind of every person. Few of Americas 300 million sheeple realize the real danger we face. History has every potential to repeat itself, and to read about modern world history, Americas future is not far away from Europe’s not so distant past.
Barack Obama lied to the American people when he said that he was a Christian. There is nothing Christ-like in his demeanor or his political advocacy. Mr. Obama adheres to ideals much like that of the Fabian Communitarian socialist agenda. This is the belief that individualism has no relevance, and the ownership of lands and businesses should be given up for the good of the state, and the welfare of other people. If he is the man you have based your hope of change upon, you are exactly what the ruling class has created. A people unaware of the reality that awaits…

This is the intent for Mr. Obama signing into law the Matthew Sheppard/James Byrd Jr Hate Crimes Prevention Act on October 28, 2009. They have painted the picture of equality and fairness for all people but the real purpose for this law is sinister. The ruling class are not far away from criminalizing thought here in America. When they take away our First Amendment, the class separations will fall. And when this happens, the advocates of hope and change will then understand the fool they were played to be. You better wake up!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

New Book Release... "Living in the Hope of My Imagination"

“A bold voice to challenge what today's postmodern culture believes is relative truth.”

Give to a person what they want and in time it will become an expectation. Left unchallenged, anticipation turns into habit and once trained, independence gives way to dependence. When people are reliant they become comfortable and at that moment, they are led astray. This defines American culture today.
Self-indulgent political agendas and a systematic dismantling of moral ethics have created a way of life that has ruptured the foundation of who we are. Money, power and self-gratification are now the heartbeat of a nation that once held human life in high esteem. We have become a people despised by our very own. For the people involved in everything from politics to education, science to medicine, entertainment, media and the arts, to false world religions and those who just don’t know, your time of accountability has come. It is time for change, but not the change they want us to believe in.

This book tells a compelling story of what I did to overcome a lifetime of anger and substance abuse, to then discover the answer to a question we have all asked of ourselves: “Why did this happen to me?” Finding purpose through the experiences of my life, I've written a must read that will challenge the very essence of who you think you are.

William Simpson

- Introduction
- Dedication
- Foreword
- Influence By Design
- Abused
- Forsaken But Not Forgotten
- Hope Shattered
- Casualties of Choice
- Time to Come Home
- God Speaks
- Conflicting Views
- Adversary Of Your Soul
- Watchmen's Neglect
- Bridging The Gap
- Confidence Restored
- Purpose Revealed
- God's Signature

Published by Yorkshire Publishing and in bookstores soon.